A wonderful village in the world where most people are twins

2 min readOct 29, 2021
A wonderful village in the world where most people are twins

A wonderful village in the world where most people are twins

Kodhini ‘. This village in the Malappuram district of Kerala is now known as the village of twins. If you look anywhere, you will see the same person in pairs. This village is one of the wonderful villages of India and the world.

Because this is where most of the twins live in the world.

According to the latest statistics, out of a total of 2,000 inhabitants of this village, 220 pairs of twins live. While there is an average of one thousand twins in the whole world, the rate of twins in Kodhini is 42 percent.

The village is surrounded by water on three sides and surrounded by greenery. Most of the residents are Muslims. India has a record low number of twins from most of the countries in the world, but this Kodhini has surpassed all other regions. All kinds of twins are found in the village of Kodhini. Normal twins or non-identical twins and look exactly the same

Identical twin. Two twin brothers and sisters can also be found here. But why is the number of twins so high in this village? The locals are of the opinion that the first twins were born here in 1949. Since then, this number has been increasing by leaps and bounds every year. According to some, this has happened due to the environment and genetics of the village.

Not only in this village, but also in the villages where the girls have got married, they have given birth to twins

Gave. Naturally, everyone is confused by this strange incident in Kodhini village. Because many times they can’t separate two people with the same look on their own.




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